Temse Consistency Check Background

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Note 503499 - TemSe consistency check: Inconsistencies cannot be deleted. Component: TemSe (Repository for temporary sequential objects) - Solution: https. The TemSe consistency check checks the header entry in table TST01 and the corresponding object for ALL TemSe objects. The spool consistency check, for example, also checks the entries in tables TSP01 and TSP02, but only the spool objects are checked. For batch input logs. Both consistency checks are client-independent.

1, What does SM65 do?

Temse Consistency Check Background

-detecting inconsistencies between batch tables, e.g. find TBTCO entries without corresponding TBTCP entry

2, Where can SM65 help?

-checking server configuration

-finding and deleting incomplete job definitions

3, Where can‘t SM65 help?

-find out why job was aborted

-prevent short dumps in the coding

-fix problems with Temse

4, How to perform SM65 inconsistencies check ?

Temse consistency check background template

1) Simple mode test - initial screen of transaction code SM65

2) Expert mode test, select SM65 ->Goto -> Additional tests. Under system wide tests, you can choose options to determine all job servers, 'perform TemSe check','execute external programs', 'consistency check DB tables' and 'Remove Inconsistencies' function to remove any found inconsistencies. You can also set the authorizations under a specific user. Click execute to perform the test.

5, How to check batch table consistency regularly ?

RSBTCCNS performs the table consistency check.
you can schedule SAP standard job SAP_BTC_TABLE_CONSISTENCY_CHECK to Check batch table consistency.
Please refer to 1440439 - New Standard Jobs (2)

6, Why are there inconsistencies?

-For example,If applications do not delete jobs after JOB_SUBMIT fails, there will be an inconsistency

7, Is there any warning in transaction SM65 on the lower release system?

Before the introduction of note 1549293, the consistency check in SM65 locked the complete batch tables.
This means, that batch jobs cannot be created, modified or executed during the run of the consistency check.
After the implementation of 747798 sap note, there will be a warning message.

747798 - Missing warning in transaction SM65

8, Some known issues/improvements of SM65

Please keep in mind that there are following issues/improvements of SM65

Temse Consistency Check Background Image

1893670 - Problems with RSBTCCNS (SM65)
1268572 - Improvement to batch consistency check (SM65)
973411 - Consistency check of the batch system: Optimizations
704572 - SM65: 'Test all job servers' does not work


Temse Consistency Check Background Sheet

On lower release system(which lower than 1549293 SAP Note ), While SM65 is running, no jobs can be created or processed, Because the SM65 consistency check of the background processing database tables (TBTCO, TBTCP, TBTCS, BTCEVTJOB, TBTC_SPOOLID, TBTCCNTXT) completely locks the table TBTCO during its entire runtime. However, after implementing the improvements of 1549293 SAP Note by support package only, the consistency check does not lock the whole TBTCO any more and it also does not touch jobs that are currently created, which means that it is safe to run SM65 check.

Temse Consistency Check Background Check

1549293 - SM65: Improvements in consistency check