Uva 12372

Dec 31st, 2016
  1. Uva 12372 Solution In C
  2. Uva Online Judge 12372 Solution
  3. Uva 12372
Uva12372Uva 12372
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  1. Super Easy Problems in the UVa Online Judge (solvable in under 7 minutes)
  2. 1. UVa 00272 - TEX Quotes (replace all double quotes to TEX() style quotes)
  3. 2. UVa 01124 - Celebrity Jeopardy (LA 2681, just echo/re-print the input again)
  4. 3. UVa 10550 - Combination Lock (simple, do as asked)
  5. 4. UVa 11044 - Searching for Nessy (one liner code/formula exists)
  6. 5. UVa 11172 - Relational Operators * (ad hoc, very easy, one liner)
  7. 6. UVa 11364 - Parking (linear scan to get l & r, answer = 2 ∗ (r − l))
  8. 7. UVa 11498 - Division of Nlogonia * (just use if-else statements)
  9. 8. UVa 11547 - Automatic Answer (a one liner O(1) solution exists)
  10. 9. UVa 11727 - Cost Cutting * (sort the 3 numbers and get the median)
  11. 10. UVa 12250 - Language Detection (LA 4995, KualaLumpur10, if-else check)
  12. 11. UVa 12279 - Emoogle Balance (simple linear scan)
  13. 12. UVa 12289 - One-Two-Three (just use if-else statements)
  14. 13. UVa 12372 - Packing for Holiday (just check if all L, W, H ≤ 20)
  15. 15. UVa 12577 - Hajj-e-Akbar (straightforward)
  16. Easy (just ‘a bit’ harder than the ‘Super Easy’ ones)
  17. 1. UVa 00621 - Secret Research (case analysis for only 4 possible outputs)
  18. 2. UVa 10114 - Loansome Car Buyer * (just simulate the process)
  19. 3. UVa 10300 - Ecological Premium (ignore the number of animals)
  20. 4. UVa 10963 - The Swallowing Ground (for two blocks to be mergable, the
  21. 5. UVa 11332 - Summing Digits (simple recursions)
  22. 6. UVa 11559 - Event Planning * (one linear pass)
  23. 7. UVa 11679 - Sub-prime (check if after simulation all banks have ≥ 0 reserve)
  24. 8. UVa 11764 - Jumping Mario (one linear scan to count high+low jumps)
  25. 9. UVa 11799 - Horror Dash * (one linear scan to find the max value)
  26. 10. UVa 11942 - Lumberjack Sequencing (check if input is sorted asc/descending)
  27. 11. UVa 12015 - Google is Feeling Lucky (traverse the list twice)
  28. 12. UVa 12157 - Tariff Plan (LA 4405, KualaLumpur08, compute and compare)
  29. 13. UVa 12468 - Zapping (easy; there are only 4 possibilities)
  30. 14. UVa 12503 - Robot Instructions (easy simulation)
  31. 16. IOI 2010 - Cluedo (use 3 pointers)
  32. Medium: One Notch Above Easy (may take 15-30 minutes, but not too hard)
  33. 1. UVa 00119 - Greedy Gift Givers (simulate give and receive process)
  34. 2. UVa 00573 - The Snail * (simulation, beware of boundary cases!)
  35. 4. UVa 10141 - Request for Proposal * (solvable with one linear scan)
  36. 5. UVa 10324 - Zeros and Ones (simplify using 1D array: change counter)
  37. 6. UVa 10424 - Love Calculator (just do as asked)
  38. 7. UVa 10919 - Prerequisites? (process the requirements as the input is read)
  39. 8. UVa 11507 - Bender B. Rodriguez ... * (simulation, if-else)
  40. 9. UVa 11586 - Train Tracks (TLE if brute force, find the pattern)
  41. 11. UVa 11683 - Laser Sculpture (one linear pass is enough)
  42. 12. UVa 11687 - Digits (simulation; straightforward)
  43. 13. UVa 11956 - Brain**** (simulation; ignore ‘.’)
  44. 14. UVa 12478 - Hardest Problem ... (try one of the eight names)
  45. 16. IOI 2009 - POI (sort)
  46. Game (Card)
  47. 1. UVa 00162 - Beggar My Neighbour (card game simulation; straightforward)
  48. 2. UVa 00462 - Bridge Hand Evaluator * (simulation; card)
  49. 4. UVa 10205 - Stack ’em Up (card game)
  50. 6. UVa 10646 - What is the Card? * (shuffle cards with some rule and
  51. 7. UVa 11225 - Tarot scores (another card game)
  52. 8. UVa 11678 - Card’s Exchange (actually just an array manipulation problem)
  53. 9. UVa 12247 - Jollo * (interesting card game; simple, but requires good
  54. 1. UVa 00255 - Correct Move (check the validity of chess moves)
  55. 2. UVa 00278 - Chess * (ad hoc, chess, closed form formula exists)
  56. 3. UVa 00696 - How Many Knights * (ad hoc, chess)
  57. 4. UVa 10196 - Check The Check (ad hoc chess game, tedious)
  58. 5. UVa 10284 - Chessboard in FEN * (FEN = Forsyth-Edwards Notation
  59. is a standard notation for describing board positions in a chess game)
  60. 7. UVa 11494 - Queen (ad hoc, chess)
  61. • Game (Others), Easier
  62. 1. UVa 00340 - Master-Mind Hints (determine strong and weak matches)
  63. 2. UVa 00489 - Hangman Judge * (just do as asked)
  64. 3. UVa 00947 - Master Mind Helper (similar to UVa 340)
  65. 4. UVa 10189 - Minesweeper * (simulate Minesweeper, similar to UVa 10279)
  66. 5. UVa 10279 - Mine Sweeper (a 2D array helps, similar to UVa 10189)
  67. 6. UVa 10409 - Die Game (just simulate the die movement)
  68. 7. UVa 10530 - Guessing Game (use a 1D flag array)
  69. 8. UVa 11459 - Snakes and Ladders * (simulate it, similar to UVa 647)
  70. 9. UVa 12239 - Bingo (try all 902 pairs, see if all numbers in [0..N] are there)
  71. Game (Others), Harder (more tedious)
  72. 1. UVa 00114 - Simulation Wizardry (simulation of pinball machine)
  73. 2. UVa 00141 - The Spot Game (simulation, pattern check)
  74. 3. UVa 00220 - Othello (follow the game rules, a bit tedious)
  75. 4. UVa 00227 - Puzzle (parse the input, array manipulation)
  76. 5. UVa 00232 - Crossword Answers (complex array manipulation problem)
  77. 6. UVa 00339 - SameGame Simulation (follow problem description)
  78. 8. UVa 00584 - Bowling * (simulation, games, reading comprehension)
  79. 9. UVa 00647 - Chutes and Ladders (childhood board game, also see UVa 11459)
  80. 10. UVa 10363 - Tic Tac Toe (check validity of Tic Tac Toe game, tricky)
  81. 11. UVa 10443 - Rock, Scissors, Paper * (2D arrays manipulation)
  82. 12. UVa 10813 - Traditional BINGO * (follow the problem description)
  83. 13. UVa 10903 - Rock-Paper-Scissors ... (count win+losses, output win average)
  84. Palindrome
  85. 1. UVa 00353 - Pesky Palindromes (brute force all substring)
  86. 2. UVa 00401 - Palindromes * (simple palindrome check)
  87. 3. UVa 10018 - Reverse and Add (ad hoc, math, palindrome check)
  88. 5. UVa 11221 - Magic Square Palindrome * (we deal with a matrix)
  89. 1. UVa 00148 - Anagram Checker (uses backtracking)
  90. 2. UVa 00156 - Ananagram * (easier with algorithm::sort)
  91. 3. UVa 00195 - Anagram * (easier with algorithm::next permutation)
  92. 5. UVa 00630 - Anagrams (II) (ad hoc, string)
  93. 6. UVa 00642 - Word Amalgamation (go through the given small dictionary for
  94. 7. UVa 10098 - Generating Fast, Sorted ... (very similar to UVa 195)
  95. Interesting Real Life Problems, Easier
  96. 1. UVa 00161 - Traffic Lights * (this is a typical situation on the road)
  97. 2. UVa 00187 - Transaction Processing (an accounting problem)
  98. 3. UVa 00362 - 18,000 Seconds Remaining (typical file download situation)
  99. 4. UVa 00637 - Booklet Printing * (application in printer driver software)
  100. 5. UVa 00857 - Quantiser (MIDI, application in computer music)
  101. 6. UVa 10082 - WERTYU (this typographical error happens to us sometimes)
  102. 7. UVa 10191 - Longest Nap (you may want to apply this to your own schedule)
  103. 8. UVa 10528 - Major Scales (music knowledge is in the problem description)
  104. 9. UVa 10554 - Calories from Fat (are you concerned with your weights?)
  105. 10. UVa 10812 - Beat the Spread * (be careful with boundary cases!)
  106. 11. UVa 11530 - SMS Typing (handphone users encounter this problem everyday)
  107. 12. UVa 11945 - Financial Management (a bit output formatting)
  108. 13. UVa 11984 - A Change in Thermal Unit (F◦ to C◦ conversion and vice versa)
  109. 14. UVa 12195 - Jingle Composing (count the number of correct measures)
  110. 15. UVa 12555 - Baby Me (one of the first question asked when a new baby is
  111. Interesting Real Life Problems, Harder (more tedious)
  112. 1. UVa 00139 - Telephone Tangles (calculate phone bill; string manipulation)
  113. 2. UVa 00145 - Gondwanaland Telecom (similar nature with UVa 139)
  114. 3. UVa 00333 - Recognizing Good ISBNs (note: this problem has ‘buggy’ test
  115. data with blank lines that potentially cause lots of ‘Presentation Errors’)
  116. 4. UVa 00346 - Getting Chorded (musical chord, major/minor)
  117. 5. UVa 00403 - Postscript * (emulation of printer driver, tedious)
  118. 6. UVa 00447 - Population Explosion (life simulation model)
  119. 7. UVa 00448 - OOPS (tedious ‘hexadecimal’ to ‘assembly language’ conversion)
  120. 8. UVa 00449 - Majoring in Scales (easier if you have a musical background)
  121. 9. UVa 00457 - Linear Cellular Automata (simplified ‘game of life’ simulation;
  122. similar idea with UVa 447; explore the Internet for that term)
  123. 10. UVa 00538 - Balancing Bank Accounts (the problem’s premise is quite true)
  124. 11. UVa 00608 - Counterfeit Dollar * (classical problem)
  125. 12. UVa 00706 - LC-Display (what we see in old digital display)
  126. 13. UVa 01061 - Consanguine Calculations * (LA 3736 - WorldFinals Tokyo07,
  127. consanguine = blood; this problem asks possible combinations of blood types
  128. and Rh factor; solvable by trying all eight possible blood + Rh types with
  129. the information given in the problem description)
  130. 14. UVa 10415 - Eb Alto Saxophone Player (about musical instruments)
  131. 15. UVa 10659 - Fitting Text into Slides (typical presentation programs do this)
  132. 16. UVa 11223 - O: dah, dah, dah (tedious morse code conversion)
  133. 17. UVa 11743 - Credit Check (Luhn’s algorithm to check credit card numbers;
  134. 18. UVa 12342 - Tax Calculator (tax computation can be tricky indeed)
  135. Time
  136. 2. UVa 00300 - Maya Calendar (ad hoc, time)
  137. 4. UVa 00893 - Y3K * (use Java GregorianCalendar; similar to UVa 11356)
  138. 5. UVa 10070 - Leap Year or Not Leap ... (more than ordinary leap years)
  139. 6. UVa 10339 - Watching Watches (find the formula)
  140. 7. UVa 10371 - Time Zones (follow the problem description)
  141. 8. UVa 10683 - The decadary watch (simple clock system conversion)
  142. 9. UVa 11219 - How old are you? (be careful with boundary cases!)
  143. 10. UVa 11356 - Dates (very easy if you use Java GregorianCalendar)
  144. 11. UVa 11650 - Mirror Clock (some mathematics required)
  145. 12. UVa 11677 - Alarm Clock (similar idea with UVa 11650)
  146. 13. UVa 11947 - Cancer or Scorpio * (easier with Java GregorianCalendar)
  147. 14. UVa 11958 - Coming Home (be careful with ‘past midnight’)
  148. 15. UVa 12019 - Doom’s Day Algorithm (Gregorian Calendar; get DAY OF WEEK)
  149. 16. UVa 12136 - Schedule of a Married Man (LA 4202, Dhaka08, check time)
  150. 17. UVa 12148 - Electricity (easy with Gregorian Calendar; use method ‘add’ to
  151. add one day to previous date and see if it is the same as the current date)
  152. 18. UVa 12439 - February 29 (inclusion-exclusion; lots of corner cases; be careful)
  153. 19. UVa 12531 - Hours and Minutes (angles between two clock hands)

UVA 11875; UVA 11777; UVA 10106; UVA 272; UVA 10370; UVA 12015; UVA 12403; UVA 1585; UVA 10812; UVA 13012; UVA 12372; UVA 10945; Grade Generation or use of else-if statement in C; Sum of a number's components in C; strupr function example in C; strspn function example in C; strrev function example in C; strlwr function example in C.

Uva 12372 Solution In C


Uva Online Judge 12372 Solution

Uva 12372

Uva 12372

  • 12372 Lima Ln is a house in Reston, VA 20191. This 2,296 square foot house sits on a 0.54 acre lot and features 4 bedrooms and 2.5 bathrooms. 12372 Lima Ln was built in 1975. Based on Redfin's Reston data, we estimate the home's value is $678,231. Comparable nearby homes include 2350 Bedfordshire Cir, 2534 Brofferton Ct, and 12390 Copenhagen Ct.
  • Uva 12372 - packing for holiday programing problem solution in shipu ahamed blog. Shipu's Blog Shipu's Blog Resume; Recent articles. The Adapter Design Pattern a month ago. UVA 913 - Joana and the Odd Numbers 2 months ago. UVA 871 - Counting Cells in a Blob.